My Wishlist For New Santa In Town - Not in the North Pole, but While You On Earth...^^ Part 2


My second post for my wishlist of Ms Carnellin's 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!!! 

Did I mention you on the 1st post here that this giveaway are OPEN for bloggers and non bloggers?? and did I mention you too that THERE ARE 17 Gift she'll give to us?? if you're not aware yet, just give a visit to her page here

And, what I'm choosing for my 2nd wishlist of Ms Carnellin's giveaway?


Yes..this is Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat and Forever Light Creator!!!


First and Last reason why I want it so badd because its been in my yearly wishlist to get a super duper perfect concealer/highlighter YSL Touche Eclat and also for the Forever Light Creator which can make flawless and fairish skin far from dark spot and fine line or wrinkles I ever dare to dreaming for! But its a pricey things so I just dreaming about it along the year..^^
So Santa, just pleasee make my dreams come true, okey? :)

And theen, narcist time for my Ms Carnellin's Giveaway Look ^^
kali ini aku dandan cantik loh...trus ada versi gif animationnya juga..moga moga memuaskan yah #colekMsCarnellin :D

:) :) :)

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2 comments on "My Wishlist For New Santa In Town - Not in the North Pole, but While You On Earth...^^ Part 2"
  1. Ekspresi cici lucuu...hahaha

    1. bakat sih kl disuruh bikin muka aneh gini..hahahahaha


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